advertising business - Local Online Marketing Business PlanOne thing to keep in mind is the startup process can last a few years. It’s not just the pre-opening period. Below you’ll find a local online marketing business plan for a company that’s been in business for a few months. It’s far from being established. However, it does have a little traction.

If you start a marketing company, you also may have done a bit of marketing on the side. This can act as your proof. Whether you do it for free or for a small fee, any testimonials you’re able to acquire during the process can be beneficial to your startup company.

Jones Digital Marketing

Local Online Marketing Business Plan

Barry Jones, Taylor Williams, and Johnson Carter (Owners)

Executive Summary


Jones Digital Marketing is a local online marketing firm located in Bellefontaine, Ohio. We provide strategic promotions, branding, digital marketing, mobile advertising and consulting services to our clients. Our main focus is to help local companies develop a strong presence in their communities.

As a startup advertising agency, Jones Digital Marketing applies the principles of marketing, branding, social media, public relations & advertising to build result driven strategies. We constantly develop and invest in new ideas to refine advertising campaigns, while adopting technology to drive creativity and produce results.


Jones Digital Marketing offers a variety of advertising services ranging from consulting to the development and implementation of campaigns. Our proven and effective solutions have helped our clients build a local presence that exceeds expectations. We are a creative agency with the expertise to handle your online business advertising and local branding needs.

Some of the services we offer include:

  • Creative Advertising: Jones Digital Marketing is founded on a business-centric foundation of strategy and creativity, which adopts intelligent marketing and branding methods to catapult the growth of its clientele.
  • Digital Marketing: We utilize digital marketing strategies such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), E-mail Marketing, Blogging, Google AdWords, and AdSense to create a commanding online presence for your business.
  • Web Development: With good knowledge of a company’s goals and objectives, we create a website for the business with the right balance of visual appeal, functionality and interactive content that is accessible across various platforms
  • Branding: Branding is a term that describes how a business is perceived by its target audience. Starting with the initial consultation, we understand the face clients want to show the world. From there, we develop a branding package that is unique and customized to our clients need. As a result, Jones Advertising brands our clients in ways that truly reflect their value.

Sustainability Plan:

The success of our business in the long- and short-term will be based on our business structure, quality of service offered and strategic relationships with our clients. Jones Digital Marketing understands that the top concern of most companies seeking our services is obtaining customers. Without customers, a company will quickly dry up and die. This is true also with Jones Digital Marketing.

Our company prides itself on delivering high-quality results. Clients look for a return on their investment. They expect the money they spend with our company not only generates enough new revenue to cover their initial investment but for their investment to multiple 5 and 10 fold. Though we cannot in good faith guarantee results, Jones Digital Marketing has a goal to deliver a 6:1 return on our clients’ marketing investment through long-term branding strategies.

Jones Digital Marketing will build sustainability by establishing a loyal customer base that generates a high rate of referrals. Beyond our marketing services, we have created an exclusive networking group of our clients. Each month, we invite our clients to a luncheon where they have the opportunity to network with one another. This offers a casual environment of interaction and the potential for business-to-business referrals. Through regular interactions, we build a culture that supports our loyal customer base.

Future Projection

We have found that social events give Jones Digital Marketing a boost in clients over a short period of time. The Co-Founders, employees, and interns have attended and participated in various events, such as mixers, conferences, conventions, tradeshows, and seminars. Jones Digital Marketing also hosts luncheons for clients. However, we believe our company is capable of much more.

By the end of 2020, Jones Digital Marketing will host its own conference with a focus on helping entrepreneurs tackle their marketing in-house. 2020 will be our first conferences. However, we intend to have this as an annual event.

This serves Jones Digital Marketing in three ways. First, it gives us an opportunity to share its expertise while also supporting clients and potential clients in their marketing endeavors. Next, knowledge is power. By equipping our clients with knowledge of our business, they will be better able to appreciate our services and understand the results they obtain through them. Finally, we understand that even though our clients may know and understand how to market, their time may be better spent elsewhere.

Company Description


It is the mission of Jones Digital Marketing to offer comprehensive digital marketing services to our customers. We will create a commanding online & offline presence for our clients in a bid to promote their business by driving sales and extending their customer reach.

Principal Members:

Barry Jones – Chief Executive Officer (Co-Founder)
Taylor Williams – Business Manager (Co-Founder)
Johnson Parker – Digital Marketing Strategist (Co-Founder)

Legal Structure:

Jones Digital Marketing is a registered as an S Corporation. The share distribution is as follows: Barry Jones (40%), Rachel Brown (30%), and Tory Williams (30%).

Market Research


The advertising industry is very wide and remains one of the most lucrative industries to play in. Companies in the industry are charged with creating advertising campaigns for periodicals, news outlets, Television, radio, social media and other mediums of advertisement. Some of the services rendered include creating ad concepts, branding companies, providing advice, promoting events and lots more.

The advertising industry is shifting gradually from using traditional media to adopting digital and online methods of advertisement. This has resulted in a drastic change in advertising strategies. As a result, several advertising agencies now adopt digital means as their main advertising outlet. This is due to the rise of digital devices such as smartphones and tablets. Statistics show that adopting technological strategies is cost-effective for advertising agencies

The industry is becoming concentrated, which is due to large firms gaining a huge share of the available market. Records show that there are 65,454 registered advertising agencies in the united states. The advertising industry generates $43 billion annually with a projected growth rate of 3.5%. Jones Advertising & Communications will capture its own share of the market by adopting the latest trends and building customer loyalty.

Detailed Description of Customers:

From a comprehensive market survey, we realized that there is a wide range of individual, private and public entities who require the services of a marketing agency to successfully run their businesses. However, not all companies are ready to hire a marketing agency or need one. We have found that small businesses that have between 3-20 employees are most likely to invest in our marketing services for several reasons.

Business owners with employees tend to understand that a solely owned and operated business is limited in the amount of revenue it can earn. They have also made it over the difficult hump of advancing to a business that supports employees. As a result, businesses with employees tend to be in a better position to afford our services.

Soley owned and operated businesses often have a do-all mentality. They often have not yet learned to trust others to help them succeed. At Jones Digital Marketing, we find it is more time effective to offer our services to owners who are in the mindset to buy than to try to convince business owners they need our services before they’re ready.

Smaller companies with less than 20 employees tend to understand the value of having a marketing team, but may not be ready to hire a marketing department. Jones Digital Marketing provides full-service digital marketing without the cost or hassle of supporting a full-service digital marketing team in-house.

Company Advantages:

The edge we have over our competitors lies in the quality of our results, the power of our team, and the strong community we build for our clients.

  • Jones Digital Marketing is a result-oriented company whose goal is to consistently deliver a high ROI. We are a highly competitive firm who always meets their targets.
  • We’ve hired and continue to hire a team of immensely talented, disciplined and result-driven individuals with experience in the field of advertising. They have qualifications and experience across several niches in the advertising industry.
  • Although we recognize the level of competition in the advertising industry, our innovative sense of community that brings our clients together is unmatched.


Jones Digital Marketing must meet all Federal and state regulations concerning business consulting. We closely follow new FCC regulations and are aware of the newly GDRP regulations established in Europe.

Intellectual Property Rights

Jones Digital Marketing is a trademark name in the United States. The name has been approved as a trademark after review as directed by United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Marketing & Funding

Growth Strategy

Though Jones Digital Marketing is currently focused on the local community, the goal is to become of the leading advertising agencies in the United States of America, which is why we have devised a strategy to help us break into the market and take full advantage of it to become a national advertising firm.

Below are some of the proposed plans to reach out to our prospective clientele:

  • We will send introductory letters containing our portfolio to small business and startups in the community.
  • We will ensure that bids are compiled and submitted early for advertising jobs that cover the services we offer.
  • We will take full advantage of local directories and yellow pages to promote the company.
  • We will encourage our customers to refer us to their business friends, families, associates, and colleagues.
  • Advertise the firm in relevant magazines, social media, TV & radio stations.
  • Attend recruitment seminars, business fairs etc.
  • Create customized services for our clients in order to work with the available budget and still deliver the best services.

Funding Request

Jones Digital Marketing has reached a point where it is ready to upgrade its facilities and hire additional staff. Our medium scale marketing agency will need approximately $100,000 for the transition. This covers the following:

  • Office facility with conference room (6 months plus renovations): $50,000
  • Business flyers and cards: $1000
  • Signage: $2000
  • Business Liability Insurance: $2,500
  • Office Equipment: $7,500
  • Initial marketing: $10,000
  • New Hires: $15,000
  • Website Relaunch: $1000
  • Miscellaneous: $11,000

We arrived at this figure by conducting a detailed market survey and feasibility studies.
Jones Digital Marketing is partially funded by the co-founders (50%) as follows:

  • Barry Jones – $20,000
  • Taylor Williams – $15,000
    Johnson Parker – $15,000

The remaining 50% is sourced from a business loan: $50,000. All documents for the loan have been duly signed and documented, the loan is being processed and Jones Digital Marketing is waiting for approval.

Local Online Marketing Business Plan – Final Thoughts

Your community presence is crucial when it comes to developing your local online marketing business plan. Small businesses in the community want to see that you’re successful locally. Your business in itself is your proof that you can accomplish what you say you can. From there, it’s up to you to establish your business and further build your own brand.

FREE 31-Day Business Startup Challenge - Local Online Marketing Business PlanAlso note, your business doesn’t have to obtain outside funding, nor have to start out so large. A brick and mortar business cost significantly more than a virtual business. As a result, you may find it’s more economical to forgo an office building during the early part of your business. When it comes to developing your local online marketing business plan, take into great consideration how big you want to start and how quickly you want to grow. Growing too quickly or starting to big can be detrimental to the foundation of your business. Instead, think smart and grow wisely.

If you’re into a quick startup, you might consider the 31-Day Business Startup Challenge. For those who may need additional funding, check out the page on new business startup funding.

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