I’m really excited to announce the launch of REVEAL Academy. Back in January 2016, I started Backbone America as a simple website. About a month into Backbone America, the idea of turning into more than just a website that shared tidbits of information here and there began to play in my head. Around July, those thoughts resurfaced. By November, the idea of creating programs and courses really started to way on me. I’ve finally taken the plunge and launched REVEAL Academy. REVEAL Academy is dedicated to providing courses to help you grow successful businesses.
To celebrate the launch, I’m hosting a sweepstakes! Woot. It’s my first sweepstakes, so help me make it a success.
For this sweepstakes, I’m offering Coaching Sessions. Why would you want some silly coaching? Well, I’ll tell you.
Benefits of Coaching
Last week, I was in the office of an accountant buddy. I mentioned how I procrastinated last year with my bookkeeping, and now I have all this catching up to do. Really, I wanted someone do it all for me. She said, you’re a coach. Isn’t your goal to coach people to not procrastinate and finish stuff, like their bookkeeping. I thought about how much I dreaded the bookkeeping… really truly dislike it all and answered:
No. I wouldn’t necessarily coach someone like me to stop procrastinating on bookkeeping. I’d coach them how to get their bookkeeping done in ways that worked for them.
Coaching is about finding solutions
Not just any solution, but a solution that works for you. It’s about finding solution that leaves you satisfied with the means and the ends.
I’m on the “anything is possible” bandwagon. When someone shares with me their vision, my mind automatically starts exploring the different ways someone can get there. I think of business people who have already tackled similar achievements and wonder how the succeeded. If one person finds success, another can find similar success. No one has a monopoly on success. We just need to find ways to make your dreams happen. Believe in yourself. Your can turn your dream into a reality.
Coaching is about believing in the impossible
You may have found yourself surrounded by naysayers… those people whom you share your dreams with and they tell you it’s impossible. I’ve been there myself. I’ve had people tell me that I couldn’t make it. I’ve had people who’ve given me that skeptical look when I’ve shared my dreams. It can be discouraging.
For many of us, we listen to those naysayers and let them chip away at our confidence. I’m a Yes-Sayer. You won’t hear, “you can’t” from me. Instead, you’ll hear things like, “Your dreams aren’t impossible. Let’s talk about how you can make them happen.” As you work toward with me, you’ll find the confidence to achieve your dreams.. And when the naysayers come around, you’ll know they have no idea what you’re capable of achieving, because…
Over $1,000 in Prizes
Grand Prize
Three (3) winners will be selected for my REVEAL Next Steps package (Value $399).
Find Clarity & Set Goals (2 sessions)
If you’re looking for clarity on one particular topic or ready to set a goal, REVEAL Next Steps is ideal. Some clients use this package for company branding, self-discovery, to get unstuck or brainstorm solutions.
WHITE LIST info@backboneamerica
If you win, you’re winner’s notification will come from this email
Terms & Conditions
A few key points from the Terms & Conditions:
- No purchase necessary.
- Giveaway runs from March 1, 2017 through March 31, 2017.
- Open to residents of the United States, excluding Rhode Island, where the promotion is void.
- Must be 18 or over to win.
- Only one prize per person and per household will be awarded
- Potential Winner must accept a prize by email within 48 hours of notification
For complete Terms & Conditions, click here.
Special thanks to the following bloggers & individuals
Mellissa Green, founder of A Blue Green Universe
Oliver and Richard at Striking 13
Catherine at Ethereal Pages
Andrea Jamison at Reviews in the City and IAIindependentPublishingblog.wordpress.com
Barb & Emily at Paging Through The Days Blog
Kai Butcher at K.B. Marketing Group
Valicity Garris at The Rebel Christian
Mirta E. at Turn the Page
Kendra Allen at Reads and Treats