Finding Small Business Opportunities from Home That You Love

Man Walking Dogs in ParkFirst of all, starting a small business typically isn’t a walk in the park. For most, it takes hard work and dedication to be successful. So as you’re considering a small business opportunity from home, keep that in mind.

I try not to push my clients in any particular direction when it comes to choosing a business to run. I strongly believe the business you choose is a personal decision, guided by life’s experiences. I know what I like to do and pretend to know what’s best for me. My clients are as mysterious to me as what goes on in my husband’s head. However, I can still do what they expect me to do… advise. For those who want to start a business but are unsure of what to do, I give them an informal assessment.


My first question pertains to what they like to do in their free time. If I were my own client, I’d say that I like to do artistic things, watch Korean movies, and blog. Those three items offer a wide assortment of business ideas.

Studio with Camera, Lighting and, Flowers in a VaseIn the art field, I could craft items for sell. No matter how fugly your art is, I’m convinced theirs a market for it. My distribution channels might be through my own website, ebay, Shopify. For my Korean addiction, I might consider doing reviews on YouTube and monetizing my channel. For blogging, there’s a huge market for freelance content writers.

Likewise, you can take your own hobbies and turn them into a profitable business.

Skills & Talents

I also like to know if they have any special skills or talents. Perhaps you have a knack for numbers and/or know how to bend accounting software to your will. You might consider offering your skills as a bookkeeper. Here’s a little non-secret: You don’t need a college degree to become one. Do you play the guitar or sing? Again, you can monetize a YouTube channel by providing teaching tips. With a bit of equipment, you can record your original pieces and offer them to individuals, organizations, or companies looking to add a little spice to their advertisements.


Woman Working from HomeI’ll just say that consulting is huge. People love information and are willing to pay good money for it. For example, I’m a business advisor. If I ever want to take on the burden… I mean, want to start my own business offering my advising expertise, I could do it from home. With today’s technology, I have quite a few options for serving my clients. I can Skype, GoToMeeting, or even use a device as simple as the telephone to keep in touch with my clients. Likewise, you can offer tutoring services, life coaching… the list is only as short as the expertise you have to offer.

Alright… got your business idea? If you’ve been following my articles, you probably know what my next bit of advice is… write a business plan.

Still not sure how you can turn the things you do into a business. Share with me in the comments. Maybe I have a few ideas for you.

What types of hobby, skills, talents, or experiences do you have that you’d like to turn into a money making business?[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
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