Financial Projections


Financial projections developed through Backbone America areĀ ideal for entrepreneurs seeking funds for startup and expansions. Your projections can be used for SBA loans, commercial loans, investors, or simply to forecast your future financial position.

SKU: FSFP Category:

Additional information

Initial Consultation

1-hour fact-finding meeting.

Sources & Uses of Funds Statement

A summary of the capital used to fund your business (sources) and a summary of the purchases made with the capital (uses)

Loan Information

A summary of the potential loans, including the terms (amount, source, interest rate, terms in years, and monthly payment.

3-Year Profit and Loss (P&L) Summary

A summary financial statement of the revenues, costs, and expenses for the first 3 years of business.

12-month P&L Breakdown

The P&L of the first year broken down by months.

12-month Cash Flow Breakdown

The first year broken down by month of the inflow of money the company receives and the outflow of money that pays for expenses.

Depreciation & Amortization Schedule

A summary statement of the prorated costs of the businesses startup/expansion assets (depreciation) and intangible assets (amortization) over the useful life of the assets.

Debt Coverage Ratio Analysis

A measure of the cash flow available to cover the current debt obligations. A debt coverage ratio higher than 1 means the company has the income to cover the current debt obligations.

1-Year Break-Even Analysis

A 1-year summary analysis that determines the point where the revenue is equal to costs of doing business.

Financial Review

One-on-one review of your completed financials.


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