African American Quotes: Mariam Wright Edelman

Marian Wright Edelman QuoteSometimes we give a lot of power to other people. We allow them to influence our thoughts in a way that makes us stop being in ourselves. It brings to mind a quote by Mariam Wright Edelman.

No person has the right to rain on your dreams.
~Mariam Wright Edelman

I’m rather mixed about this quote. On one level, I don’t think it’s right for someone to attempt to smash your dreams. However, we can’t stop the thoughts, words, or actions of another person. At some point in time, we have to take responsibility and be the protector of our own dreams.

Let them try to rain on your parade, but you don’t have to let them.

On the other hand, we sometimes do the same thing to other people. I’ve been guilty of that in the past, particularly before I went through my coach training.

As a business advisor at the SBDC, I worked with business owners who had huge dreams but little mean. I didn’t believe they could achieve their desires. Though I provided assistance, as required by my job, I found myself discouraging some people from chasing after fantastical dreams.

Going through coach training helped me change my perspective. It help me see that all things are possible. It’s encouraged me to look for rags to riches stories and impossible dreams achieved.

Now instead of having a yeah right… good luck with that attitude, I find myself being fascinated with the dreams and visions of others and wonder what steps can be taken to fulfill those desires.

Let’s ask ourselves when we come across those grand visions… what steps will bring us closer to our goals?

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