Business Benchmark Package


The Business Benchmark Package makes a comparison of your company to other businesses in your industry. Depending on your industry, your report can be specified to your demographics (company size, location, revenue, etc.)

Requirement: A profit & loss and balance sheet for one period. A period can be a month, quarter, year. Don’t have financial data? We can develop a set of financial projections for you. Order Financial Projections and receive this Business Benchmark Package at the discounted option rate of $269.

SKU: FSBBP Category:

Additional information

Initial Consultation

1-hour fact-finding consultation

Industry Metrics

4-year report of your industry.

Business Performance Scorecard

Analytical report of your financial data in comparison to industry peers.


One-on-one review of your company's benchmark report.


Over 42% off Buyer/Seller Package and/or Sustainable Growth Package.


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